Time: 6.30pm
So, Mak is now offically 21 years old
We all went for his B'day party at his M'sia house
Ppl were Tom,Qy,Glen,Nick,Loong,Wen,Hang,Alex,Yang and Me
On Friday morning 9.30am
Me,Hang,Wen and Glen met Mak to go over to his house first
Had a little problem for taxi driver to get us there
They don't even know the place well >.>
But we managed to find our way there
Then upon arriving, we got a car for our own use
So, headed to the nearby area for lunch
Tried the DIM SUM there
Was quite nice

Our Toy Car =P

So Much Food
We ordered so much and everything costed RM$61.70
After lunch, tour around the area for abit
Then headed back to assemble the BBQ pit
It was quite a challange for us as there's no manual
And the picture on the box doesn't look the same >.>
But nevertheless, we managed to get it fixed

Act cool right
Mission Complete
Then in the late afternoon
Made a few trips to fetch ppl here and there
And soon it was time to start BBQ !
And this party was soon chaotic
Had fun and laughter together with Alvin's friends
I'll let the picture do all the talking =P
So here we go =D
City Square
Mak's M'sia House
Hang our driver for the day
Nearby Temple
On The Way to fetch Tommy & QY
Nice View
JUSCO Shopping Center
Mr FireStarter
Meet Little Kelvin *LoL*

Nice Right
Mak's 2.5kg B'Day Cake
Mak The B'Day Boy
Let The Fun Begin !
Pew Pew

I'm just M o o D y right now
Came back from Sch
Tomorrow got GEMs test and another presentation to go
Forcing myself to revise
Am I enjoying my life?

It's already Saturday !
Felt sicked since Wednesday afternoon
Woke up that day with flu
Came home and started to have fever at 38.1 degrees
Thursday woke up, I was like a zombie
Walked like one, talked like one
Dragged myself to clinic
And I was at 39.3 degrees !
My head was like gonna BURST ANYTIME !!!
So on Thursday, only eat medicine and sleep throughout
Friday, at least still can get hold of myself
But still feeling very dizzy
But I'm running out of time
Next week got 1 sale's role-play, 1 technopreneurship group presentation
And GEMs written test
I have to try to work against my brain
Today, I was hoping to recover fully
But I'm still feeling dizzy at the back of my head
Pls !!!! Can some1 save me from this suffering !!!!
I can't tahan anymore . . . . .
But surprisingly, this few days I've dreams
Some good and bad dreams
But seriously, wtf is goin on ?!?!?!?!
My brain is playing a fool?

Met up to celebrate Von,Yang and Nick's B'day
But Nick missed the dinner yet again =\
Went to 'Fish Market' for dinner
Psst, it's not a market ! It's a restaurant =P

Peeps that were there:
Yang,Loong,Sean,Hang,Alex,Wen,Glen,Me,JoJo & Von

Since most of us where first timer at this restaurant
Me Glen Sean and Wen sort of ordered too much food
We had a HARD time finishing what we ordered
The portions are quite big >.<

Fish And Chips with Deep Fried Prawns *Before*

Platter for 2 was shared by 4 ppl *Before*


I like the sauce that came together with the prawn
Overall still not bad, should try it if you haven't !
After a HEAVY dinner
We took a walk to Youth Theme Park
To make our way to Phuture by bus =D
Met up with Tommy, QY, Nick and Mak
Then Let The Fun Began !!!
Going in at 100% sober
1h+ later, everyone ended up dizzy and vomitting
I guess everyone was too tired and drank too much
At least I'm still sober but just dizzy
First 2 to be knocked out was QY and Nick
QY drank a few rounds and gone WILD !!! *wahahaha*
Nick have no idea wtf he's doing at that time
Lastly was Yang, also vomitted
Slowly 1 by 1 went home
Leaving me,Hang and Wen to search for Glen
Then we stayed till 3am+ to finish all the drinks
It's alright to club once in awhile for me
Did enjoyed the music at Phuture
Slacked at home till late afternoon
Did a little tour around Woodlands Area since I'm not quite familiar with my area
Not by foot, but by bicycle =P
Then headed to Tommy house for MJ

Isn't she(Joy) cute ?
Today, slacked at home
Tomorrow is Public Holiday
I don't wanna waste my time at home =P

Time: 7.42pm
We are all living on a thin line
Life can be unpredictable
This few days have been quite un-easy for me
Reading the newspaper, watching the news
Those pictures really do affect us emotionally
Ppl say " We're so lucky to be in Singapore"
That's true, but we'll still need to show sympathy
I'm just speechless now *emo*
All we can do is give them our blessings !

Time: 7.20pm
First time I came back home
Started off doing some exercise
Then surprisingly, I dragged myself for a jog
Failed to complete 2.4km non-stop
Only managed to run 1.5km without stopping
I started off with a short 400m, then I started walking >.>
Last 1.2 km, kept telling myself not to stop
Because I'm reaching the finishing area le !!!
M.U.S.T carrrrrry oooonnnnnnnnnnn . . . . . .
In the end, I'm glad that I finished my 1 round around my house here
It's always great to end the day with a jog
But I hardly commit myself to jog, unless there's a friend that I can jog with
Anyway, this week gonna be so happening
[Tuesday] Got role-play
[Wednesday] Some course till 5pm
[Thursday] Hmm.. go IKEA?
[Friday] My 3 friend's B'day Celebration
[Sat/Sun] Dunno yet =P
So, will be back again *Cya Around*

Time: 5.50pm
Just came back from Causeway Point
Took a bath and now I'm blogging before dinner
Today nothing much happened
Slacked at home till mid afternoon
Forced myself to return Library books
Did a little window shopping
As I need to get ready 3 presents for 3 of my friends next week >.>
Somehow, I ended up buying a novel
It's been so long since I read a novel

Marley & me By John Gorgan *
This novel is basically about a family, who bought a yellow Labrador retriever
"It grew up becoming an uncontrollable ninety-sever pound steamroller
Through the chaos and the hilarity he won hearts and remained a steadfast,
model of devotion to his family, even when they where at their wits' end
Unconditional love, they would learn, comes in many forms"
"This is a wonderful, moving book that even non-dog-lovers cannot fail to enjoy !"
Mail On Sunday
I've yet to start reading it
So, there's more for me to come =D
Anyway, while walking around Causeway Point
Saw Hui Ting and her mom, as well as her sister
Were dinning at Breeks
An early Mother's Day dinner
Speaking of that, I planned to cook for my family tomorrow
But, I've failed to do so
Instead, I spent the money set aside for some daily product at NTUC
But I never fails to get a cake =)

Roses Fantasy

Time : 5.55pm
It's almost the end of week 4 le
So freaking fast right?
Next week will have a three-some celebration
Because it's Yvonne, Yang and Nick's BIG "20" B'day
What to get for them =\
Yesterday went to Lavender to extend out passport
We guys had a great time together
Me, Nick, Wen and Loong
With all the lamer and joker around
We sure laugh like hell *Giggle*
Anyway, Wen and Nick had to make new passport as their is soooo OLD
Wen still had his pri picture de
He still asked the counter need to change anot
Then she(the counter service person) said " You say le?"
So funny lor. . . haha
We took a good 1 1/2 hours to get our passport done
After that, went down to Centerpoint
To check how's QY doing at her workplace
Nick bought some clothings as QY can give us discount =)
Nick also decided to work there
With his timetable, up-coming CCA . . . dunno he got time anot
Finally, it was dinner time !
Went to Fish & Co
My first time trying it and it was not a disappointment
It tased great and I would rate it 4/5
I tried the Fish and Chips with rice

Yummy =P
Then we did some window shopping at Orchard
Home sweet home at 9pm+

What are the things out [ T H E R E ] for us ?
There's like so many things to chat about
There's so many issues and situation we have to face
There's always so much to worry about
There's countless doubts amoung relationships
There's forever mis-understandings
There's lots of gossip and backstabber
There's many secrets been revealed
There's numerous types of mood we have
There's several chances wasted
There's those moments when you feel down
There's times when you need someone to talk to
There's various occasion where you want to end the journey
There's time when we regret what we did
There's moments we didn't cherish
The BIG question is . . .
"WHY ?"
Why do we have emotions?
Why do we have tears?
Why do we whine and complain so much?
Why DEPRESSION caused many life?
Why Karma come and go?
Why are we borned to see the World?
Why do we have to worry so much about our future?
Why do we Live and for who?
Why LOVE hurts so much?
Why friends affect us so much?
Why we have to fight against time?
Why do we wonder and dream?
DID everything happen for a reason?
I'm just bored and these stuff came into my mind
I'm alright, no worries
There are times when I'm moody and too much to worry about
Am I encountering Depression?
That's a good question but glad to sad I am NOT ! *giggle*
$$ leads to many problem for everyone
And for those ppl who are rich, do they live happily ever after?
So, what is there for us in Life?
Waiting for that Mr or Miss Right to appear?
Waiting for Singapore to snow?
Waiting for $$ to drop from sky like rain?
What do I or you really want?
What are we looking forward to?
Are we really borned to live and die?
Yes! It's a damn freaking simple life circle that goes on and on
But the most important part is . . .
The moments/events/friends/families/emotions that you added into this walk of Life
That will at least make it more meaningful for us
Or are we just living for the sake of . . . *what*?
Time to set things right !!!